Gwneud gwahaniaeth ystyrlon i iechyd eich gweithwyr
![seqohs seqohs](
Mae ein tîm iechyd galwedigaethol yn gweithio gyda chyflogwyr i greu atebion fforddiadwy, graddadwy sy’n cwrdd â phrotocol statudol neu arfer gorau.
Dyluniwyd rhaglenni i ddiwallu anghenion penodol ystod eang o fusnesau i ddatrys unrhyw faterion iechyd galwedigaethol yn llawn.
![Absence management Absence management](
Rheoli Absenoldeb
![lifestyle and wellbeing lifestyle and wellbeing](
Asesiadau Gweithle
![workpace Assessments workpace Assessments](
Gwyliadwriaeth Iechyd
![bespoke training bespoke training](
Strategaeth Iechyd Cwmni
![company health strategy company health strategy](
Hyfforddiant Pwrpasol
![health surveillance health surveillance](
Ffordd o Fyw a Lles
Pam Dewis Ni ?
![Corporate Healthcare Corporate Healthcare](
Rydym yn cyflogi gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol sydd â phrofiad helaeth mewn darparu Gwasanaethau Iechyd Galwedigaethol gan gynnwys gwyliadwriaeth iechyd, sgrinio cyn cyflogi, rheoli achosion ar gyfer ffitrwydd i weithio, ac ymddeol o afiechyd. Ein gweledigaeth yw darparu gwasanaethau iechyd galwedigaethol o ansawdd uchel sy’n canolbwyntio ar fusnes wedi’u teilwra i anghenion y cleientiaid. Trwy gynnig dull hyblyg o ddarparu gwasanaethau, gallwn eich helpu i gael y gwerth gorau o’ch cyllideb iechyd galwedigaethol.
I ddarganfod mwy am sut y gallai iechyd galwedigaethol fod o fudd i’ch sefydliad, neu fwy am ein gwasanaethau a sut y gallem eich helpu i leihau absenoldeb salwch a gwella cynhyrchiant, cysylltwch â ni.
“I just wanted to thank you for your find help today.
I now feel more reassured that I've received and read the report.
May I also request that you convey my gratitude to the Doctor for his professional and compassionate manner when I met with him on 15th January for my review. “
Having read your report, I am more than happy for this to be shared with required manager”
“Thanks for arranging for the nurse, the team said she was lovely and did a really good job.”
“She expressed that they were most impressed with your professionalism and understanding during the Case Conference and wanted me to thank you personally for providing such an excellent service”
“The Council expressed how comprehensive, detailed and relevant the reports they receive….the level of customer service they receive, all within very timely SLA’s is excellent and should be commended”
“Please pass my thanks to the Doctor – his advice and consultations have been extremely helpful and provided me with much support.”