
Bespoke Training

Effective education, training and health promotion programmes in the workplace can help reduce sickness absence, improve productivity and prevent work-related injury and illness.

Insync Corporate Healthcare employ a specialist who is trained in education to ensure that all training is tailored to the specific work environment, quality assured and delivered by appropriately qualified personnel.

Insync Corporate Healthcare can provide a range of services to help businesses including:

  • Design and implementation of health improvement strategies
  • Delivery of training on issues relating to health and work for managers and human Resources
  • Health education for workers, tailored to their working environment.

Please contact us for further information or to discuss the particular training needs of your business.

company health strategy

Other Healthcare Services

Absence management

Absence Management

lifestyle and wellbeing

Workplace Assessments

workpace Assessments

Health Surveillance

bespoke training

Company Health Strategy

company health strategy

Bespoke Training

health surveillance

Lifestyle & Wellbeing

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