
About Your Report

About Your Report

Contents of the report

An occupational health report is written based on the information obtained from the consultation with the occupational health practitioner who sees you and any supporting medical evidence provided. A certificate rather than a report is provided for outcome of fitness assessments or health surveillance. The report may be sent to one of the following:

Directly to your employer (usually your line manager and to Human Resources)
A third party occupational health provider who will forward the report onto your employer.

The content of the report will be discussed with you as part of the consultation. It will include answers to any questions that your manager/Human Resources has asked on the referral. Third party occupational health providers will maintain your occupational health record with both clinical notes and reports that are written for your employer.

Access to the report

You may request to see the occupational health report before or at the same time as it is sent to your employer. If Insync Corporate Healthcare are responsible for sending the report to your employer, they will send a copy of the report either by e-mail to the e-mail address you supply or by post to the address you confirm at the time of the appointment.

If the report is sent to a third party provider, it may be edited and the provider is responsible for sending the report to your employer. They will send you a copy of the final report either at the same time or in advance of your employer depending on your choice directed on the consent form.

Third party providers are required to maintain the same level of confidentiality as Insync Corporate Healthcare.

Requesting changes to the report or refusing consent to send the report

The report written by Insync Corporate Healthcare contains an objective assessment of fitness for work based on the information provided. You are entitled to raise your concerns within the time frame stated on the consent form. The author of the report may agree to amend the report if there are factual errors within the report or you may withdraw your consent for its distribution. You may also attach a letter outlining your opinion/comment to the report.

(We have tried to answer here any questions you may have about the report that is written after your appointment. If you have a question that isn’t covered here, please do get in touch).

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About Your Appointment

About Your Appointment

About Your Report

About Your Report

Types of Health Assesment

Types of Assessment

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