The number of work-related stress, depression, or anxiety cases in the UK in 2020-2021 was 822,000, a rate of 2,480 per 100,000 workers. HSE also reports that workplace stress costs the UK economy more than five billion pounds annually. Employers should be aware of...
Corporate Healthcare Articles.
Rising COVID-19 Cases and the Effect of Covid on Workplaces
Has the effect of Covid on workplaces gone away? Despite the return to normality, such as the dropping of mask-wearing regulations, the re-opening of all sectors and a return to the office for many, COVID-19 has not gone away. It likely never will, there have been...
Men’s Health Week Starts on The 13th of June
Men’s Health Week is a yearly event to raise awareness of men’s health – both physically and mentally - and is run by the Men’s Health Forum. This year’s theme is ‘Time for Your MOT’, and it aims to remind men of every age to give themselves an MOT to check their...
Mental Health Week 2022
Mental Health Week took place last week in the UK, but mental health year-round is something we’re passionate about at Insync Corporate Healthcare. The theme for this year was loneliness, how loneliness affects mental health, and how everyone can play their part in...
Mental Health is Important Every Day
World Mental Health Day recognises the importance of mental health for yourself and others. This day aims to raise awareness that mental health is something people should be aware of and feel confident enough to speak about to others. It aims to ensure people have the...
Spotlight on the COVID-19 Vaccination
So far, more than two-thirds of the adult population in the UK has had two doses of the Covid-19 vaccination. Effective vaccination is the most important part of ending the coronavirus pandemic. The Vaccine Prevents Seriously Illness The COVID-19 virus can...
Men’s Health Week 2021
ICH will be supporting Men’s Health Week 2021 and we want to bring you along with us! If you would like to follow our online wellbeing fair, please join our social media pages, (Facebook & LinkedIn). Join us and have some fun, as well as a chance to win some...
Post-COVID Anxiety
Post-Covid anxiety is affecting people across the world. Millions of British people are now fully vaccinated against COVID, case numbers are down, and lockdown restrictions are slowly lifting and many people are beginning to feel like life is returning to normality....
The Importance of Sleep: National Bed Month
March is National Bed Month, so there is no better time to think about the importance of sleep and whether you are getting enough of it, and if not, what impact this could be having on your overall health and wellbeing. Everyone is familiar with the feeling of not...
Have a Healthier New Year & Lockdown
We understand that the last year has been particularly tough as many have been expected to balance more than ever. You may now be considering taking some time for yourself and making sure you are mentally and physically fit. Here are some things you can do to help...
Home Working set to be the New Norm
Is home working set to be the new norm? Despite the COVID-19 vaccine now being administered in the UK, the likelihood is that working from home will be the default stance for quite a while longer. Many organisations had to switch to having their employees to work...
Homeworker Workstation DSE Assessments
Homeworker Workstation DSE Assessments are vital, especially now as many more employees are working from home more than ever before. Employers must carry out their duty of care by looking after their staffs’ health and wellbeing. Every business should consider their...