
Absence Management Swansea

If you want to get your staff back to work as quickly and safely as possible, early intervention is important. After an employee has been off sick for more than six weeks, the problem is often compounded and the chances of returning to work at all are significantly reduced.

Our skilled and experienced absence management Swansea & Cardiff team will work with you, in the context of your business, to resolve even the most difficult and sensitive cases, where fitness to work is an issue.

We are experts on absenteeism, the many causes of staff absence, absence monitoring, support and reporting. Our trained and experienced occupational health specialists can also advise on how to best manage employee returns to work, long-term illnesses, sick pay and fit notes.

Absence management Swansea

Other Healthcare Services

Absence management

Absence Management

lifestyle and wellbeing

Workplace Assessments

workpace Assessments

Health Surveillance

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Company Health Strategy

company health strategy

Bespoke Training

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